Use your iPhone to improve your golf swing

by Derek on October 25, 2011

in Equipment

Mosoro has just released their new Bluetooth LE 3D Sport system.  You attach the sensor to your golf club (or really just about anything else) and it beams data back to your phone where your swing is re-created in 3D.

Mosoro 3D-Sport – a miniature USB thumbdrive sized motion capture product that contains an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and Bluetooth LE. 3D-Sport works by physically attaching the hardware to a piece of sports equipment and, over Bluetooth, the hardware “pairs” to a smartphone app that records how the piece of equipment moves in 3 dimensions during use (for example the ability to monitor how a golf club moves precisely during a swing). This data is then overlaid on a 3D model within corresponding smartphone app that shows the equipment moving.

Pretty cool, huh?


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