Meet the Jetson’s putting green mower

by Derek on October 25, 2011

in Equipment,Video

If George Jetson had a putting green mower this would be it.  Made by Precise Path, with ultrasonic transducers and an infrared receiver, the mower uses 5 beacons placed around the green to determine location and cut the grass to the proper height.

There are several benefits.  First, it doesn’t damage the greens when turning, like conventional mower can.  It’s also pretty quiet and frees up maintenance staff to do things like repair ball marks, rake bunkers, and mow the rough. At $30k, these mowers aren’t cheap, so don’t expect to see them at your local muni anytime soon.  But give it a few years and who knows, these things could become the norm at courses around the country.

Check out the video of the mower in action after the break:


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